To Join St. Matthew’s
If you are a confirmed Episcopalian, contact the registrar to have your membership transferred and to complete New Member paperwork. If you are new to the Episcopal Church, please plan to attend the adult Inquirer’s classes, held regularly, which will prepare you for the rite of Confirmation administered by our Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright. Contact the parish office regarding a schedule for the adult Inquirer’s class, or to schedule a visit from the rector, who would like to welcome you personally to St. Matthew’s.
To Arrange a Baptism
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is offered primarily on the following occasions: The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Saturday (Great Vigil of Easter), Pentecost Sunday, and All Saints Sunday. Contact the parish office if you would like to schedule a baptism for yourself or your child.
To Arrange a Wedding
If you are a member of St. Matthew’s, the first step in planning a wedding is to contact the rector to set up an appointment. It is required that you attend a series of premarital counseling sessions with clergy as a couple prior to the wedding, and you should discuss times and dates with the parish office well in advance of the desired date. Once the date has been determined and approved by clergy, we will provide a copy of our comprehensive wedding packet, which includes guidelines and fees..
To Arrange a Funeral
Notify our priest at home or at the church office, 770-979-4210, as soon as a death occurs. Clergy will meet with you to assist with funeral arrangements and to provide counseling and support.
To Arrange a Visit to the Hospital
Please call the parish office, 770-979-4210 when you or a member of your family is hospitalized for any reason. We want to be of assistance and need to know when someone is ill. As part of their pastoral care, our priest or one of our Eucharistic Visitors will be happy to bring Communion to anyone who, by reason of illness or other circumstances, is unable to come to church.
To Arrange Counseling
Contact the church office to set up a meeting with our priest, who can also share information about other counselors and pastoral resources in the community, and will can make referrals.
To Schedule a Meeting or Event at St. Matthew’s
Contact the parish office for available dates and times. Once the paperwork is filled out and the deposit has been paid, your event will be confirmed. Approval could take up to three weeks, depending on the vestry meeting schedule.