“In addition to all that I have provided for the holy house, I have a
treasure of my own of gold and silver, and because of my devotion to
the house of my God I give it to the house of my God.”
Our Capital Campaign Defined: Our capital campaign is a focused
fundraising drive to raise money to fund identified projects in our church
that fall outside of the normal day-to-day upkeep and expenses within a set
amount of time.
Why do we need a capital campaign? Through a qualified assessment
agent, the Vestry has assessed and identified capital needs for the
immediate future. These projects fall outside of the normal day-to-day
building and grounds or other ministry funds.
If we achieve the campaign goal, will all future capital replacement needs
be met? Undoubtedly other unanticipated needs will arise. However, the
Capital Committee will continue to establish other methods of producing
income for future needed renovations of our facility. These auxiliary
fundraising efforts will improve our Capital Reserve and better address
these needs moving forward.
Need more information? Reach out via email to “email address here” and a
capital committee representative will get back with you.