Episcopal Church in Snellville, GA
From 6:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Come to the Pancake Supper! Not only will you get yummy food and enthusiastic service from our youth, but you’ll also be supporting our youth as you do it. A portion of the proceeds from the Pancake Supper (a love offering will be taken) will go to the youth ministry. So you get to eat all you can, and you’ll be helping the youth of the parish as well! Everybody wins! We’ll see you there!
The Burning of the Palms will take place immediately after the Pancake Supper, so plan to be here for both!
NOTE: Last night’s wintry mix has NOT impacted the Pancake Supper or the Burning of the Palms. Both will go on as scheduled. We hope to see you there!