Episcopal Church in Snellville, GA
Four new vestry members were elected to three year terms today, January 24, 2016:
Oscar De Leon
Mara DiGiovanni
Jim Sivert
Beth Still
Jack Denton was named Senior Warden.
Our newly-elected diocesan council representatives:
Althea Benton
Amanda Livermont
Eric Prichard.
Congratulations to all!
A full report on the meeting will be published in the February newsletter.
January 24, 2016 One Service Only
9:00 a.m. Coffee and Sign In, receive ballots for elections
9:30 a.m. Meeting and Elections, video presentation of our past year (no verbal reports)
followed immediately by Holy Eucharist (one service only).
Annual Brotherhood of St. Andrew Fish Fry immediately follows the service.
This event is a celebration of the year past and a look ahead at the coming year.
Election of new vestry members and diocesan council delegates.
Don’t miss this important parish event!