Ash Wednesday Service
Latest Updates from the Capital Campaign

Update March 2: Breakfast between services is a Saint Matthew’s tradition! Our capital campaign committee members will be sponsoring breakfast on Sunday, March 16th with all breakfast donations going directly to the capital campaign fund. With St. Patrick’s Day around the corner, we hope to see you all there, and bring a friend to come enjoy breakfast shenanigans. We will have capital committee team members available to answer any questions about our ongoing Capital Campaign. As of this posting, we have collected $267K in pledges.
Breakfast is served buffet style and starts at 9:00AM with food served until around 10:00AM. Join us in the parish hall, we hope to see you there!
Update February 14: Just a reminder from the Capital Campaign Committee that if you haven’t already done so, please consider making a pledge or a cash contribution to the Capital Campaign. To date, we have raised over $240,000 in pledges and cash donations. As we discussed at the Annual Meeting, this is a parish wide endeavor and we desperately need your support to Renew, Refresh and Restore our church home and bring it back to its functional, safe and beautiful state that we all love. You can donate by filling out a pledge card with a cash donation or a pledge that can be done over one, two, or three years. Any donation that you feel comfortable with is greatly needed. Contact any member of the committee, Jack Denton or Scott Fisher to make your pledge.
Update February 7: Work has already begun on one of the most critical projects: restoration of the framing around the stained-glass windows.
See all recent photos!
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Annual Meeting | Candlemas Service | Fish Fry!

All resources are found here for viewing, downloading, and printing.
Annual Parish Reports – St. Matthews Episcopal Church
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Baptisms | January 12

“In addition to all that I have provided for the holy house, I have a
treasure of my own of gold and silver, and because of my devotion to
the house of my God I give it to the house of my God.”
Our Capital Campaign Defined: Our capital campaign is a focused
fundraising drive to raise money to fund identified projects in our church
that fall outside of the normal day-to-day upkeep and expenses within a set
amount of time.
Why do we need a capital campaign? Through a qualified assessment
agent, the Vestry has assessed and identified capital needs for the
immediate future. These projects fall outside of the normal day-to-day
building and grounds or other ministry funds.
If we achieve the campaign goal, will all future capital replacement needs
be met? Undoubtedly other unanticipated needs will arise. However, the
Capital Committee will continue to establish other methods of producing
income for future needed renovations of our facility. These auxiliary
fundraising efforts will improve our Capital Reserve and better address
these needs moving forward.
Need more information? Reach out via email to “email address here” and a
capital committee representative will get back with you.
Campaign Overview (February 2 Presentation)
2024 Facilities Condition Analysis
Pledge to the Capital Campaign via REALM
Print the Capital Campaign Pledge Form
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Matthew’s Crate Success!

It’s the People! Once again you have shown how much you care about the community. We collected enough donations to deliver 46 Matthew’s Crate boxes to the SE Gwinnett Co-op for distribution this week. Not only did they include the canned goods to make taco soup and gift card; they also included the recipe with a hand written note, an information card with the time of our Regular Services, Sunday School, Youth Group, Wed Service and Bible Study along with the Be At Peace prayer. Additionally a card with our Christmas Services as an invitation to join us.
Along with the boxes Outreach had funding to give several gift cards for the co-op’s Christmas program.
Thank you for your generosity.
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Holiday Events Around St. Matt’s
Christmas Service Schedule

December 24
4 p.m. | Christmas Eve Family Service with Pageant (will be live-streamed) |
10:30 p.m. | Christmas Eve Carol Sing |
11:00 p.m. | Christmas Eve Candlelight Eucharist |
December 25
10 a.m. | ONE SERVICE Christmas Day Service |
December 29
10 a.m. | ONE SERVICE Christmas 1 Service (will be live-streamed) |
New Years Potluck Brunch follows service! |
Office closed December 24 – January 6
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