(Dressed as a pirate with cloak and pirate hat)
Did someone say there was a search for an Abundance of Time, Talent, and TREASURE here at St. Matthews???? Argh!
For those who do not know me by now, I am Trisha Voiles, Senior Warden of St. Matthew’s. I began coming with our family to St. Matthew’s in 1984, 39 years ago. I was a senior at Brookwood, and my parents were the ones in the family in charge of the giving of the Treasures. I volunteered with VBS.
After a year, I moved out, went to college, faded away from going to church regularly, and got married. Treasure was definitely NOT in abundance in those years. I remember counting pocket change to just get gas to get to Snellville to my teaching job. I got involved with our ECW, Episcopal Church Women, and got hooked giving much of my Time and Talent. Although it wasn’t a great abundance at first, the more I was able to give the better I began to feel about myself, and the abundance of Love from God as He sent it through the Love of our Church members. I began getting involved in VBS, Christian Formation classes, and helped with breakfast between services. I was Sunday School Superintendent and Youth Group Parent Team for a few years. I was ECW President for almost 20 years. Now, I have Vestry and Senior Warden. My children were involved in Christian Formation, youth choir, VBS, Acolytes, Youth Group, Talent Show, and were my shadows for many years, especially after my divorce. We did not have an abundance to give in treasures, but we gave what we could every year. I increased my percentage of giving each year, even if the increase was just a few extra dollars at first. I circle where I am on the proportional giving chart and see if I can make a jump to the next step or two.
Now for today, although Jim and I have had two bittersweet losses in recent years, God has blessed us abundantly. We are able to help where we can with Time, Talent, and Treasure now. The treasure may not be the overflowing abundance, but it has increased from the long ago days counting the coins. If you are just starting out or are in a place of less than treasure-ly abundance, I would like you to prayerfully consider what you do have to give. Consider helping in a new ministry you have been thinking about, if you have been in a ministry for a while, consider taking on a leadership role in that ministry. Encourage your family members to get involved in ministries. Even if you can only give $1, 5, 10, 20, or just two coins a week, you can add that on the pledge card in the envelope. Only our treasurer and financial secretary see any of the giving cards. These are between you and God, a promise that you can help in any way you can. On the front of the card you can list your treasure. On back of the card, list areas you do– or would like to– spend some Time and Talent. I wrote my name on the Ministry card, checked my ministries, and added that in my envelope. If you’re filling out the card for your family, you can put the initials of each family member also by the areas of their involvement. You can return the envelope in the mail, on one Sunday in October in the offering plate or bring it up to the basket on the altar, or put it in the slot in the office door. We would like to have them by Sunday, Nov. 5th.
Right now, I would like to call on my crew, Fr. Tim, The Vestry and Finance Committee, to join me in Surrendering our Stewardship Envelopes. We have all been blessed with our Abundance of Areas we can help serve St. Matthews. We cannot do our jobs without YOU! We would like to encourage you to prayerfully listen to where God is leading you to put your Time, Talent, and Treasures in order to help St. Matthews share our abundance of Love with each other and the community. I promise you, YOU won’t regret the abundance given in return! Thank you! Trisha