What’s Happening Behind the Scenes of St. Matthews
I have had many people come up to me these past weeks and say things like “You know we should….”. I have had to respond and say, actually we have people working on that right now. I thought I would give everyone a heads up on some of the behind-the-scenes activities St. Matthew’s groups are currently planning.
Buildings and Grounds –1) New weather stripping was placed on the doors. PLEASE Push on the doors to make sure they have shut when you leave–some doors are sticking on the new weather-stripping and don’t always close properly. 2) They have completed the Undercroft remodeling after a new drainage system was put in, which will prevent the undercroft from flooding. 3) Painting is being completed in the hallways, outside doors and undercroft, and touch ups have been done in the sanctuary. 4) Carpets have all been steam cleaned. 5) We are beginning a maintenance plan with a new HVAC company that will be changing to wireless thermostats accessed online to help us save on energy costs.
Worship – Plans are being finalized for Fr. Doug’s Celebration of Life on May 14th, Youth Sunday on May 22nd, and Pentecost Sunday on June 5th. The worship team survived the 14 services on Holy Week! There is a lot of behind the scenes planning before we see the final product: Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers, Readers, Greeters, Lay Ministers, Vergers, Music/Choir, Acolytes.
Communication – The new AV Booth is complete! The sound and visual system is loud and clear! The communication team is now working on updating the St. Matthew’s website and helping the Nominating Committee create the Church Profile. Plans are to share the profile and the results of the Holy Cow Survey with the Congregation in a between services forum in early June.
Fellowship – We had a group enjoy the Restaurant Foyer April 29th. The next Foyers will be May 10th for Food Truck Tuesday in Lilburn. Fellowship is also helping in the plans for the reception following Fr. Doug’s Life Celebration. We have a June 4th Lilburn Park Rock the Park event and then our Parish God Bless America Picnic in July! Watch for more information on these events, coming soon.
Youth – On May 15th, the Youth Group will be celebrating the end of a school year with a pool party. The group is working on planning for Youth Sunday on May 22nd, planning for next year, and getting assistance for Youth Group meetings.
Christian Education – The committee is working finishing up the classes for this school year while planning on an exciting beginning to the Fall Classes. They are reaching out to families with children. Preparation for Vacation Bible School the week of July 11-15 has begun! If you know of families with school age children encourage them mark their calendars. The committee is planning to have a celebration for Sunday School registration this summer.
Inreach – Did you know we have a Pastoral Care Team? The team meets once a month in-person and virtual to plan for the needs of the parishioners who need pastoral assistance. Some of these needs being met include meals, hospital visits, cards, transportation to doctor appts, phone calls, and more.
Outreach – 1) FODAC is having their annual walk this Saturday, May 7th. Besides helping people locally, this year FODAC is sending some help to Ukraine. Through Outreach, St. Matthew’s will be contributing to these needs. 2) Outreach committee has plans to recognize local emergency responders as well in the coming month. 3) May is St. Matt’s month to donate food items to the Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative Ministries. Your newsletter has details on what is needed. The co-op is also helping a small local church supply needs of 60 Ukrainian refugee families in the area, so they really need our support now. See your newsletter for details on the needs of these families who have escaped a terrible war.
Finance – The Finance committee is busy planning and reviewing the going in and coming out of funds every month. The team makes sure the funds are available for the planned events now and in the future. Monthly reports are located in the office hallway on the Vestry Bulletin Board.
Long Range Planning – The group has been meeting with all of the other groups and ministries and finding what is needed to make St. Matthew’s run smoothly. They are planning a presentation to the Vestry of their findings which we will in turn share with the Parish.
Stewardship – There are plans to use a ministry guide to help each parishioner tune into their talents to see if there is a ministry you would be an assess. I have been highlighting some of our ministries in the e-newsletter. Stewardship is not just a yearly Treasure pledge request. We have a parish full of Talents. We pray that you may find Time to get involved in any of the above Ministries. The door is open with many opportunities. Just open the door!
These are just a few of the highlights these hard-working groups are undertaking. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or need to know how to become involved in any of these ministries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Trisha Voiles, Senior Warden