Spring has sprung and we are moving right along with preparations so that we can get everyone back in the sanctuary. The replacement of the fabric on the organ speakers is taking place this week and the HVAC replacement in the sanctuary will take place during the next month.
The Flower guild had planned a plant and flower sale for this Saturday, but the predicted rain means that it must be rescheduled for May 8th. If you still have plants or flowers to donate, please contact Trisha Voiles or Janis Williams. The funds raised will help with our ongoing Buildings and Grounds expenses.
The Buildings and Grounds committee has planned a Parish Workday Party for May 15, and I know I will see all your smiling faces there eager to help them clean and organize our Parish home! For more information, contact Steve Charron or Janis Williams.
We just found out this week that we have another unit that needs to be repaired and the estimate is $2,500.00. Anybody have some spare change?
Since we are speaking about money, I would love to say Thank you to all who are continuing to give online, through the mail and in person. In the first quarter, the operating revenue was $96,223.00 and operating expenses were $92,459.00 which meant we had a surplus of $3,764.00! Having a surplus is great but we must understand that the main the reason our expenses were lower is that we have not been paying a full-time rector and we are using restricted funds to pay for Father Tommy’s expenses.
Thanks to the hard work of Chuck Marsh, we were able to secure another PPP loan for $45,530.00 which will used for salaries for the upcoming months and we hope it will be forgiven as the last PPP loan we received in the fall. We are still waiting to here back from the Diocese on whether our loan application has been approved which will be used to fund the HVAC sanctuary repairs and AV upgrades. So please continue to send in your offerings and continue your prayers for St. Matthew’s.
In February, Canon Alicia Schuster-Weltner joined us through Zoom to explain the Interim and rector search process that we will be going through over the next year or two. In that meeting, she addressed that Father Tommy would have to look for another job as his contract with St. Matthew’s ended when Mother Liz retired. We have been truly blessed to have him at St. Matthew’s and he will be missed. He has begun to have interviews and hopes to have something in place by the end of May. I will be speaking with Canon Alicia next week about our next steps in the process.
The Vestry has been working on putting together a list of names for the nominating committee this past month as well as working on updating our website and ministries information. Please continue to pray for guidance and discernment your Vestry.
Blessings and Peace,
Becky Olbon